Tomorrows Security. TODAY.

Cloud Network Security

Cloud Network Security


Cloud Network Security with 3Sixty IT Services

The concept of Cloud means many things to many people. Because the reach for Cloud Computing is so vast, it is first good to understand the requirements behind Cloud Network Security.

Generally speaking, the same sort of security practices still need to be employed when working with Cloud Providers. The Cloud provider whether it be Microsoft, Google or Amazon will always ensure that the underlying cloud platform is secure. However, it is up to you as the cloud customer to protect the data that you store in such places.

There are numerous different Cloud Concepts and platforms:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)

All of these platforms need sufficient controls in place to ensure that the data held is as secure as can be whilst meeting the businesses operational and financial goals.


We have solutions at the ready to protect all aspects of Cloud environments, whether this be Office365, Servers/Services hosted in Azure or even Amazon AWS.

Want to start your Cloud Security Journey? Get in touch.